Peyton interviews me

Peyton interviews me
One day, a college journalism major named Peyton decides to ask me a bunch of questions...

1. Where are you from originally? 

I’ve lived in Kansas my whole life. Born in Neodesha, KS (No one knows where that is.) I’m still here but travel a lot more now. 


2. What initially motivated you to skydive once and further, pursue it seriously? 

I saw a demonstration jump when I was 16 years old into a university football stadium. Two years later, I attended that university, saw a tiny classified ad in the student newspaper (yeah, back when reading a physical paper was the thing) and decided to show up for the first jump class. I did a static line jump, which was all that was offered at the time in my area. After the jump, I didn't want to leave! So I saw around watching the others in the class do their jumps. Someone came up to me and asked me how my jump was, and if I wanted to do another! "Oh yeah," I thought to myself, "I guess people do this more than once!" So I did a second jump that same day. I was in college, so I used my student loans to finance this "higher" education, ha ha!


3. Why do you skydive?

There are so many many reasons! But if I had to articulate just one reason that has permeated throughout all my years of jumping, I would say, because it is a bottomless opportunity to discover who I am, over and over again. You wouldn't think something so simple could invoke an endless stream of inspiration, but it does. I love the people as well! Very wonderful community that I'm privileged to be a part of.


4. What has been your most memorable jump?

There are so many! To name a few, I took my daughter on her first tandem when she turned 18. I actually jumped with her while pregnant, so it wasn't the first "tandem" I guess, ha ha! (I did with my son as well, pre-birth.) I made a few jumps near Mount Everest, wow, beautiful, surreal! I jumped as the Queen of England into a Major League Baseball game. I've been part of a seven person demo team, jumping military flags into the Boulder Bolder Memorial Day event, landing in a small time window to our piece of the music! I was also able to jump several times in that same stadium that inspired me to go on my first jump. I just got back from Costa Rica, jumping on the beach with friends, beautiful place! I've had my share of close calls as well, and those are memorable of course!


5. What is your favorite part of this sport?

Students, of any kind. I really enjoy learning, so being an educator means I have to stay up on current knowledge, safety issues with training initiatives, etc. I learn the most from my own students and candidates. Plus, their enthusiasm keeps me motivated! I love teaching!


6. What are your hobbies outside of skydiving?

I like just being active, with friends, like flying in the wind tunnel, skiing, hiking, snowmobiling... we recently did some zip lining, I tried a water hover board last year, wow so fun! I have a teenage son and my daughter is in college, so I really love watching their activities as well. I have a degree in Music, so I like drumming, playing and creating music. I have a marimba in my living room. And a drumset and guitars and keyboard and horns. I also teach drum lessons and drumline. I do quite a bit of writing magazine articles, blogging, and public speaking as well, and really enjoy that. (Recently I spoke at a women's prison!)


7. What adversity have you faced being a women in this male dominated field?

Of course, everyone faces adversity. To me, adversity and challenges help refine my skills, make me even better. You can grasp a knife by either the blade, or the handle, your choice. I actually like being an underdog, being under estimated. It allows me to use my own way of doing something to really "wow" the naysayers. I've had people tell me I couldn't do something, or assume I couldn't. I've had people even sabotage what I was trying to do, even to the point of causing danger, but so far, I've been able to handle whatever is thrown my way. "The task ahead of you is never as great as the Power within you." (I saw that on a pizza box about 15 years ago and kept it, it's pinned to my bulletin board!  The cool thing is, the actual physical part of skydiving is pretty non-discriminatory when it comes to gender, not like some other sports can be. I once lamented to a friend after I became an examiner that I was still being "tested." I complained, "How many times must I prove myself?" He answered, "Every time." That echos in my ear even today. But I don't have to prove myself to others, just to those I'm serving or teaching. Even just recently, I was put in charge of all of the coach examiners in a meeting designed to help standardize everyone's teaching, the first of these types of meetings ever. There were some pretty big "names" in the room, and I did have one heckler. I was able to maintain control of the meeting, but still facilitate conversation, not alienate anyone, and gained a ton of respect from some people that I may not have been able to earn, had I not had some adversity to "prove" I can handle it. I am actually grateful for those opportunities, much like a good player in any game wants to play a good opponent.


8. Is there anything you believe could be done to help empower women further to pursue this sport?

I like how you asked that! Sometimes I am asked about what could be done to increase the number of women in the sport, and I think that is not a noble goal, not realistic or attainable even. If there ends up being more women, it's because they find a place and feel connected. So your question is spot on! Anyway, to answer...

I think there are a lot of fantastic opportunities available right now! There used to be quite a lack of support, mostly as female skydivers were somewhat isolated. But there are many opportunities now to connect, through Female Skydiving Instructors network, or Sisters in Skydiving events, or Women's Skydiving Leadership Network, or iFLY's Ladies Night, even just social media, etc. etc. I think some women don't really understand the point of "empowerment" however. Some women who are hurting, obviously, have not dealt with their anger or their own history, and continue to give away their power by complaining and saying "Someone should do something about this!" Well, they have not yet realized, the person who can do something is themselves. That is true empowerment. Of course, in extreme cases where a woman's safety is at risk, and she is unable to recognize or unable to act, then yes, others need to help. But for the most part, I'm talking about common instances we all face, and we all have a choice about how to respond. One of the female gender's best assets is the ability--actually almost the need--to collaborate, cooperate, network, socialize, inspire each other. So, that is mostly what I'm about. Not excluding men, but just finding ways let women's natural tendencies (and different ways of accomplishing the same goals) have a place in our sport.


9. How did Female Skydiving Instructors come about?

My good friend Tom Noonan and I were brainstorming about how to encourage more females in the sport to earn a tandem instructor rating, so we came up with the idea of running all women courses for instructional ratings. It has evolved more into a network for the public to find female tandem instructors now. I have requests all the time from women who for religious or other reasons cannot skydive with a male instructor. It also is a repository for some inspiring articles.


10. How has this organization helped connect and empower fellow women in this sport?

I used this platform to first just tell my own story, and how even being small, I was able to be a tandem instructor. That inspired others to get their ratings, and then I began to tell their stories as well. I have tons of techniques that allow me to do the same job as, say a male instructor, but just a different way. There was just no conversation about it before. And now there is. It's funny to me that, I have to actually shift from my original purpose, because, we did meet our goals, we changed how those in our sport saw the capabilities of women. Now it's pretty widely accepted that women do just as good as men in being instructors, even tandem instructors. It wasn't that way 10 years ago. There were also other women-based organizations that have followed, which I'm proud of, like the ones I mentioned before. (SIS, WSLN, etc.) So as older goals are being met, we're forging new ones, and I feel like we're emerging into a new era now... I have plans for FSI that aren't public yet! :)


11. Any other thoughts you’d like to add?

I'm super excited that you reached out to me. I enjoy the opportunity to share my thoughts and hope you find this useful! Let me know when your project is done, I would love to see it!

  • 22 February 2019

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Another portmanteau from the dictionary of Jen, aka Jenictionary:



Meshing error with education to mean, learning from others’ mistakes rather than your own.

Nothing will happen without the belief that it will happen.

When I was younger, I said yes to everything. It was necessary to create opportunities from nothing. As I get older, I say no more often. I can now choose the opportunities I want to spend valuable time on, and this turns my productivity and impact on.


I just made up another word... Dictionary of Jen:



The condition of suffering from chronic or extreme confirmation bias. Afflicting otherwise healthy, smart, normal individuals, this malady usually flares up after controversial events, especially political in nature.
{See itoldyouso}

Authority without responsibility is dangerous. Responsibility without authority is ineffective. Without either, you just have a title.

The key to persistence and ultimately achievement is recognizing a lack of gain is not a loss. You can't lose what you don't yet have.

I say, Sweat the small stuff! How do I know this works? Mandelbrot Theory.

The best way to handle fear, especially illogical fear, is to be comfortable with being uncomfortable.

I believe in Serendipity more than Luck.

I'm defined not by what has happened to me, but by what I've done despite it.

What is Education? They say you learn from your mistakes. But I say it's lazier to learn from others' mistakes.  #ShareYourKnowledge

Absence of fear is not a prerequisite for action.

If you're running from your past, likely you're going the opposite direction of your future.

The single most accurate predictor of success is Optimism.

Someone asked me, "Where do you get your energy?" I don't acquire energy... I just release it.

Everyday I ask myself, what would I do today if I had no clock, no phone, no obligations. And then I do THAT. At least for part of the day.

I see my life like Freefall. You cannot add any time to it, you just have to make it count.

Stolen from a friend: Don’t be the sage on the stage. Be the guide on the side.

Knowledge dissipates Fear.

My wishes get me nowhere. My dreams get me anywhere. My actions get me there.

I have a tendency to be accidentally controversial. It happens when I speak the truth.

Be A Part instead of Apart.

The more overtones you have, the more resonant you can be.

Overtones are akin to richness of experience, depth of understanding.
Resonance with others equates to empathy, cooperation.

Though I awake much earlier than most, I am not an early bird. I'm late compared to the birds. I am an early human.

A "collection" = having two or more of something. I have a collection of ideas, toilet paper rolls, experiences, plants, rocks, kids.

I think it's not the instance of injury or trauma that brings the most pain. It's the healing.

“Expect the Unexpected” is not something someone can decide to do, not something they can do consciously, at least for any sustained length of time. Otherwise you'd be expecting it.

The biggest cause of suffering in the world comes from misplaced anger.

Why do we assume "all natural" items are good for us? I mean, cobra venom. That's natural. So is lightning.

Sometimes we sacrifce the equality of rights by trying to contrive equality of outcomes.

Another word from the Dictionary of Jen:


[kəˈmēlyən teɡrədē]

Variable character of integrity that changes based on the level of integrity of surrounding people. For example, the behavior of being honest and fair if people around them are honest and fair, but lying if other people in the situation are lying. 

Rage is all the rage...
Why is being angry trendy? I've never found pessimism or apathy to be fashionable.

The true test of maturity is maintaining connection amidst disagreement.

 Another portmanteau from the Jenictionary:


[comp-uh-TEN-shuh n]

Competition for attention, usually in the form of being dramatic or loud, e.g. almost all two year olds. In severe, habitual cases, it can take the form of self absorbedness, insatiable pursuit of accolades and achievement for the sake of approval from others.
{See lookatme}

THOUGHTS. The only thing a person has control over is inside their own head. I have control over that tape recorder that plays and my goals and images of what I want to happen. So, the tape recorder comes from my past. It covers my past and is my story. The goals and images of what I want to happen cover my future. So... I only have control over my past and future. Oh wait so, the only thing I have control over is everything.

"Do your Best" rather than "Be the Best"

Anyone who claims to be elightened, yet uses that same claim to infer superiority over those "unenlightened" ... not there yet. Try again.

A small hinge opens a big door.

Momentum is useless without the right trajectory.


A Solomon Four-Group Design

Only one third of adult trainees transfer what they learn merely 1 year after training, and the amount of knowledge applied is less than 40% of what they learned. Transfer of learning becomes more critical for those in train-the-trainer programs where future success or failure is shaped by previous outcomes. Consequences compound even further in safety-related contexts, such as skydiving, where certain aspects of training correlate with injury rate. The problem addressed in this study was the low transfer of learning that exists in adult training. The purpose of this quantitative quasi-experimental study was to examine the effect of course modality on learning transfer, specifically among skydiving teachers-in-training in coach rating courses in the United States using a Solomon four-group design, guided by the theories of andragogy and connectivism.

  • 1 November 2023
My daughter and the swingset

I was a single mom with my own programming company working from home for all the years while my kids grew up. And when my kids were young, I vowed I would try to say "yes" to them. It was hard juggling being at home working and when to walk away from work which was endless. One day, my daughter, in the middle of a sunny day, asked me to play with her on our new-to-us swingset, and teach her how to swing on that dual bucket-type swing. I struggled but relented and said YES. Seriously, bad timing.

  • 3 October 2021

Best Ever Debrief Strategy


The debrief is a great opportunity for instructors to facilitate the learning process by encouraging the student to recognize their achievements and what they did correctly as well as help them realize what is needed to move forward in their skill development. The student must become more aware of their strengths and weaknesses and take responsibility for their training. The Debrief, much like the Ground, can be divided into both the Content and the Presentation. The instructor’s role during the debrief should be one of a facilitator. Asking questions and directing the student to the right information through self-realization will be of greater benefit to the student.

  • 1 January 2021
How is a soccer game like life?

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  • 2 November 2020
How is whipping cream like life?

I put cream in my coffee every morning, bu tnot just any cream. Whipping cream. Not just whipping cream. Hand-whipped whipping cream. It takes time. 

  • 2 November 2020

When taking first time skydivers on tandems,  I never succomb to the notion that I should grab my student's arms or leg lock them, control them in order to affect the flight or the environment or outcome. I just fly my own body. If their arms are in one area, I find space in another, either in front or behind, and just find clean air. I find space that they don't want, and take it. I fly it. I find where there is free space and own that.

  • 19 May 2020
  • 15 January 2020

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